Little Egg Harbor Township On-line Tax Account Look-up & Payment Section
On-line Tax Payment Convenience Fees
Please be advised that Credit Card and E-Check payments can be made via the internet convenience fees that will be charged to the user for each transaction. (Credit/Debit currently are 2.95% of the transaction total.)
*Please note that the fee for using a debit card is the same fee as using a credit card.
The fee for using an e-check is a flat $1.95 per transaction, instead of the 2.95% of the transaction amount incurred for credit / debit cards.
**Convenience fees are retained by the service provider and are not paid to, or shared with, the Township of Little Egg Harbor.**
Payment at Tax Collector’s Window Update:
Please be advise that the Tax Collector’s office is now accepting credit card payments at the window for your convenience.
There is a service charge of 2.95% of the transaction that will be added to the payment.
There is a “general drop box” out front for payments after hours and weekends.
Thank you!

Main Office Number: (609) 296-7241 ext. 240
Extensions: 241, 242, 243
Fax: (609) 296-8516
Hours: Daily 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Taxes can be paid at the Tax Collectors office located on the first floor of the Little Egg Harbor Administrative Justice Complex or by mail to:
Hours: Daily 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Taxes can be paid at the Tax Collectors office located on the first floor of the Little Egg Harbor Administrative Justice Complex or by mail.
The Tax Collector enforces delinquencies through the Tax Sale process.
The Tax Collector’s Office is responsible for the billing and collection of property taxes that supports the following local government entities:
Ocean County
Ocean County Library
Ocean County Health
Ocean County Open Space
District School (Little Egg Harbor Elementary Schools)
Regional School (Pinelands Regional Schools)
Municipal Open Space
Municipal Local Tax
Fire Districts 1, 2 and 3
Tax bills are issued in June or July of each year and are payable quarterly.
Payment dates are: February 1st, May 1st, August 1st and November 1st
A ten (10) day grace period is given. If the 10th falls on a weekend of holiday, the grace period is extended to the next business day. Interest charges accrue back to the first of the month on delinquencies.
The interest listed on delinquent amounts is calculated to today’s date.
Interest must be paid in full and will be deducted first, before any monies are applied to taxes.
Once interest is deducted, monies will be applied to the oldest taxes first.
Please contact our office at 609-296-7241 ext. 240 or 241 to obtain interest calculations for a future date.
Tax account look-up is for informational purposes only and does not constitute a Municipal Tax Search.
Account information is subject to updates, corrections and reversals.
The Township of Little Egg Harbor is not responsible for erroneous interpretation of the records
or for changes made after the look-up.
The assessment values that appear on the Tax Account Look-up section are from the last update to the Municipal Assessor’s records, which only occurs twice a year, and may not reflect the assessed value on the Assessor’s records.
Please keep in mind that the Assessor’s records are always one year ahead of the current year.
Municipal & Third Party Tax Liens cannot be paid on-line.
All redemption of liens must be made through the Tax Collector’s Office with certified funds, such as a cashier’s check, money order or cash. Redemption figures must be requested in advance and may take three (3) or more business days to be provided. (**On-line Tax Accounts with Third Party Tax Liens may report taxes as paid, however, the taxes may have been paid by the lien holder and are still due as part of the Third Party Tax Lien. Municipal Liens may also report taxes as paid, however, the taxes may only have been transferred to the lien and still due as part of the Municipal Lien.**)
Tax accounts that have an open balance at the time of the bankruptcy filling may have those balances transferred to a Special Charges Account. Any taxes transferred to a Special Charges Account will appear paid on the Regular Tax Account, but will still be due and owing under Special Charges.
Properties in bankruptcy cannot be paid on-line.
Special Charges Accounts contain balances that are due in addition to the Regular Tax Account.
Please contact this office at 609-296-7241 ext. 240 or 241 to obtain further information on accounts that are noted as having special charges.
Once taxes are paid on-line, refunds will not be be permitted.
If monies paid result in an overpayment of taxes, please contact the Tax Collector’s Office for assistance.
Please make sure you are paying on the correct account prior to making payment.
To enter the On-line Tax Account Look-up and Tax Payment section you are stating that you have read the above items regarding the convenience fees that will be charged for on-line payment, as well as the information regarding Tax Account Look-up and the disclaimer, and agree to continue under those conditions.
Agree and continue to tax payment site
The Tax Sale for the Township of Little Egg Harbor is accelerated and held mid to late December for any current-year municipal delinquencies, including the Little Egg Harbor Municipal Utilities Authority water and sewer delinquencies. To avoid the process of Tax Sale, bring all tax, water and sewer charges current by November 10th. The Tax Sale process begins November 11th.
Property tax deduction applications for senior citizens, disabled persons or surviving spouses of seniors or disabled persons are available from the Tax Assessor’s Office.