The Municipal Court has jurisdiction over cases within their territorial jurisdiction, including violations of municipal ordinances, violations of motor vehicle and traffic laws, disorderly person’s offenses, petty disorderly person’s offenses, and other non-indictable offenses, except where exclusive jurisdiction is given to the Superior Court. Also included within this jurisdiction are violations of fish and game laws and weights and measures.
Zoom Link Information
March 17, 2025 – 9am Click Here
April 21, 2025 – 9am Click Here
** After registering, you will receive a confirmation email directly from Zoom, on behalf of the court administrator, containing information about joining the session. If time has passed and you haven’t received the confirmation email, please check your junk/spam mail or call our office so that we can verify registration has been made and we can send a duplicate link. **

Little Egg Harbor Township
Email – ocn.leh@njcourts.gov
Eagleswood Township
Email – ocn.eagleswood@njcourts.gov
Phone: (609)296-7241
Fax: (609)294-1068
Hours of operation:
Monday – Friday 8:30am – 4:00pm
Citizen Complaints are taken 9:00am – 3:00 pm
Judge: Honorable Daniel Sahin
Court Administrator: Jodie Termi, CMCA
Prosecutor: Bonnie Peterson, Esq.
Public Defender: Debra Rumpf, Esq.
Help with signing into the Zoom court can be found under “ZOOM Court Instructions” on the court’s main page. If you have not already given your email address and phone number to the court, please call us at 609-296-7241 with that information.
Please remember that although you are not in the court room, this is a court session and order shall be maintained. Please do not drive, smoke, move around, eat, lay down, or do anything on the video that you would not normally do in a court room. Please stay muted unless being called upon.
Once you sign into Zoom and have entered the proper information, you will be put in a “waiting room”. Please make sure that your device is named with your first and last name so we can handle your case quicker. The court staff will let you into the “Main Session” which is where the Judge will hold court.
Most people will be put in a breakout room with either the prosecutor, public defender, or other staff, depending on your case. If you are a truancy or code enforcement case, you will be put in a breakout room with the appropriate official. Truancy cases, because they deal with juveniles, will be dealt with one at a time. We ask for your patience.
When you are moved to a breakout room, please remain muted until called upon. There are many people in these rooms, and you must stay muted so that it moves quickly. When you are called, you can hit the unmute button or hit * 6 if you are on a phone. Once you have completed your conversation, you can move back to the main session by hitting “leave breakout room”, where you will wait to be heard by the judge. Phone participants will be moved automatically.
Once you have completed your case with the judge, you may leave the session.
If the judge postpones your case, please make note of the new date, in most cases, he announces the new date during court.
If your case is disposed and fines/costs have been assessed, you will be notified by the court shortly with a payment arrangement. If you are unable to follow that payment arrangement, you should contact the court immediately.
A NG plea can be entered in person, by telephone, by email, by fax, by regular mail, or online New Jersey Courts website. Njmcdirect.com . Please have your summons or complaint number available when entering your plea.
The Court accepts cash, checks, money orders or Credit Cards. Checks require a complaint/summons written on the check. A phone number of the signer. You can also mail your summons to the Municipal Court with a check or money order. For certain violations, you can pay online by visiting the New Jersey Courts website. Njmcdirect.com
You will have the opportunity to speak to the prosecutor on your court date. A Not Guilty plea must be entered with the Municipal Court prior to this. If you are represented by an attorney, your attorney will speak to the prosecutor on your behalf.
The Municipal Court does not assess points to your drivers license. That is a function of the Motor Vehicle Commission. You should contact your state MVC to find out how many points are assessed. For defendants with a NJ license, you must contact the NJ Motor Vehicle Commission. Nj.gov/mvc
This must be done through njcourt.gov. Click on Self-Represented tab at the top then expunge your court record.
Download your day in court brochure. Click here.
Mediation is an informal and confidential process which allows the parties to meet with an impartial mediator who has received training to assist them in resolving their dispute. The Municipal Court Mediation (MCM) program provides court users an alternative to having certain cases heard and decided by a judge (traditional litigation). As a neutral party, a mediator helps court users discuss the issues of their case and explore options to resolve the dispute themselves with a mutually acceptable solution. The mediation process can be a less expensive, informal, and a more meaningful alternative to the traditional trial process, largely because of the efforts of trained volunteers and the resolution being decided by the participants. The typical types of cases handled through the intervention of a trained mediator include, but are not limited to trespass, harassment, creating a disturbance, animal or pet complaints, annoying phone calls, property disputes, non-payment of bills, bad checks, and neighbor disputes.
Bail is money deposited to assure a defendant’s future appearances in court. Once deposited, bail money can secure a defendant’s release from jail or recall a warrant for their arrest so that they will be able to appear at all scheduled court dates. The person who posts the bail is known as the surety. The surety can either be the defendant themself or another person posting bail on their behalf. If the defendant appears as scheduled, when the case is concluded bail money can either be returned or applied to any fines if the defendant is found guilty. However, bail can only be returned to the person who posted it, so unless the surety is present, the money cannot be returned or applied to fines unless ordered by the Judge.
It is NOT a warrant for your arrest. It is to notify you that you missed a scheduled court date or failed to pay a ticket on time. Please read the notice thoroughly and it will contain a new date for you to either pay or appear. If you have any further questions, contact the court.
If you are unable to pay your fines or ticket, contact the court office as soon as you know to avoid possible penalties. If you simply stop making payments or fail to pay and don’t advise us of your situation, we are not able to offer any solutions.
Only defendants that are facing the possibility of jail time, a loss of driving privileges, or fines that exceed $800 are entitled to representation by a Public Defender. Please note that even though the Public Defender is free there is an application fee up to $200.00. Please fill out an Application for the Public Defender that is available under the forms tab of this website. Please fill it out completely and submit it on or before you court date. If you have any questions, contact the court.
Application for the Public Defender
Spanish Financial Questionnaire
New Jersey Judiciary Municipal Court of NJ Complaint Information Form
NJ Motor Vehicle Commission – 609-292-6500
NJ MVC/DMV Restorations and Suspensions – 609-292-7500 email: suspension.info@mvc.nj.gov
Ocean County Superior Court Criminal Division – 732-504-0700 Ext. 64320
Ocean County Family Division – 732-504-0700 Ext. 64050
Ocean County Probation Department – 732-504-0700 Ext. 64510
Ocean County Civil Division – 732-504-0700 Ext. 64466
Intoxicated Drivers Resource Center (IDRC) of Ocean County – 732-341-9700 email: idrc@ochd.org.
Ocean County Obudsman – 732-504-0700 Ext. 64480 email: oceanhelp.mailbox@njcourts.gov
Ocean County Pretrial Services – 732-504-0700 Ext. 64320
Tuckerton State Police Barracks – 609-296-3132
Galloway State Police Barracks – 609-409-8989
For updated information, visit the New Jersey Judiciary’s website at www.njcourts.gov.