Preliminary Flood Zones 

Preliminary Flood Zones BFEs

Preliminary Flood Elevations


Stormwater Management Plan

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan


Things New Jersey Hurricane Sandy Survivors Should Know – click here

Sandy Assistance for those with disabilities – dmj.org

***To determine which zone your property is located in, view the FEMA website at  www.region2coastal.com  ***

FEMA Fact Sheet

Homeowner’s Guide to Elevation Certificates

Base Flood Elevations
Elevation Certificates determine your existing height for Flood insurance purposes.

Base Flood Elevation (BFE) – Maps created by FEMA for Flood Plain management

Based on a 1% chance of a significant or 100 year storm

“A” zone = indicates an area with possible wave action less than 3 feet.

“A” zone construction = Top of the bottom floor must be at or above the BFE.

“V” zone = indicates an area with possible wave action of 3 feet or more.

“V” zone construction = Bottom of the lowest horizontal member must be at or above the BFE.

*** That does not include “Freeboard”   ***

Freeboard = is a term indicating an added space between the BFE and the structure being measured.

Property owners who have reason to believe their flood zone designation is in error should work with their lender or FEMA to try and have their property and/or structure officially removed from the high-risk area.

To remove a structure from a Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) if it is at or above the one-percent-annual-chance flood elevation, property owners can apply for a Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA).

An application and step-by-step instructions can be found at www.fema.gov/plan/prevent/fhm/dl_mt-ez.shtm

There is no fee for FEMA to review a request; however, the requester is responsible for any costs involved in collecting the supporting data necessary to submit an application.

To obtain your Base Flood Elevation – click here


 In the event that a shelter site is activated, the Pinelands Regional Jr. High is the township’s primary shelter location.

Nixle Notification System

Receive trusted up to date emergency, safety and community information by e-mail or text message.

Click here to register

New Jersey Economic Development Authority (EDA) Help – click here

New Jersey Office of Emergency Management Website

Office County Office of Emergency Management Website

Ocean County Evacuation Map

Hurricane Survival Guide for New Jersey

***Please see the attached information just released from the state regarding “Houses on Pilings.”***

Above the Flood (Elevating Your Floodprone Home)

Coastal Construction Manual – Volume 1

Coastal Construction Manual – Volume 2

Substantial Damage Information – 

Substantial Damage = damage of 50% or greater of the amount of the structures assessed value taken from Tax Assessor’s office.

*** This can be totaled thru repetitive losses as well. ***

Substantial Damage determinations can be obtained by submitting qualified contractor’s estimates, an architect or engineer’s report to the Construction Office.

In order to obtain a Substantial Damage Letter from the Township of Little Egg Harbor you must supply a report from a licensed New Jersey: (a) engineer, (b) architect, or (c) contractor.  The Township’s Zoning Officer cannot provide a substantial damage estimate.

Increased Cost of Compliance (ICC) – that portion of your insurance that provides up to  $30,000 to elevate, relocate, or demolish your home.

You must get a Substantial Damage determination to file for ICC.

When must I elevate my house?

Substantial Damage – If your home has been determined to be “Substantially Damaged” (more than 50%) you must build to the current codes and elevations.

Substantial Improvement – If your home was not “Substantially Damaged”, but you are taking the opportunity to make improvements, and these improvements bring you above the 50% of value mark, you are a “Substantial Improvement” and must build to current codes and elevations.

***  It is important to note that a “Substantial Damage” determination is required for ICC, however “Substantial Improvement” will not qualify you for the money.  ***

R-50 Zone requirements and 2013 Amendments

Requirements for new construction – Click Here

Requirements for Demolition Permit / House Raising Permit – click here

Requirements for Substantial Damage Letter – click here

Little Egg Harbor Township Zoning Application – click here

Certificate of Occupancy – House Raise -click here

Temporary Occupancy of Substantially Damaged Residential Structures – click here

Temporary Occupancy of Substantially Damaged Residential Structures Release Form** – click here

***Please note that this Release form must be included with your permit application, as well as a copy of your Substantial Damage Letter***

Permits will no longer be required when replacing insulation and sheetrock that is 4′ or less from the floor.  This is a special dispensation given due to “Sandy” by the governor.

For information regarding State of New Jersey Flood Insurance Rebuilding Requirements – Click Here

Build Back Safe & Stronger (FEMA Information) – Click Here

Repairing Your Flooded Home

The Sandy Relief Fund for Home Repair and Advocacy Program

Ocean County Seniors or disabled residents that still need storm related work completed.
Click here for more details

New Jersey residents who have questions about grants for elevation can e-mail the state at njmitigation@gw.njsp.org